Saturday, April 30, 2011

Vice-president Paul Ryan?

Paul Ryan would make an interesting running mate for presidential candidate Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico. Ryan would add a conservative “legitimacy” to Johnson’s libertarian agenda.


Downtown Brown said...

Paul Ryan will be at the top or the top 3 of any Republican Candidate for Prez. I do believe Ryan will accept an invite to run with whoever would ask. He will have no problem's with vetting. The research against him has been going on for the past 2 years already. There is nothing to find. Johnson will be interesting to watch and see if he gathers the Ron Paul ferver, or if the 2 of them just dilute each others effectiveness. Romney/ Ryan for the win please!

George Meyers said...

A Romney/Ryan ticket would be next to boring. Only Ryan would keep you awake.
A Johnson/Ryan ticket stimulates the imgagination. What a ride!
Give me the fun team.
The worst that happens is Obama continues to fertilize the growth of the TEA Party from the White House.