Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama wins

With the election of Barack Obama the United States has chosen a path well traveled by. Typically a country that has adopted nanny state policies like we have, such as social security, Medicare and Medicare … that country proceeds even deeper into socialism. No people of any country has ever turned it around at this point.

I thought maybe we would with the election of Mitt Romney. I thought maybe we would be the first in the history of the world to accomplish such a reversal. We are, after all, Americans. We are different.

Thus far that is not the case.

The mechanics of turning this country around is relatively simple. Deregulating, balancing the budget, reducing taxes, bringing back jobs and prosperity can be done almost instantaneously. What stops us from doing it?


It is not the mechanics that make reform difficult. It is the weakening of the individual by becoming dependent upon the government that makes the job nearly impossible. That is the barrier to reform: dependency.

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