Monday, December 17, 2012

Connecticut Killings

This is a tragedy. There are three steps to be taken to deal with the situation:

First Step: Quit looking at the government. The government can take no effective action to prevent such occurrences. Actually it could, but it won’t, and anything it would do would only make things worse.

Second Step: Learn about psychotropic drugs. Here is a good place to start.

This is not about guns. It is about mental illness.

It is about powerful psychotropic drugs that infest the mind and makes it do weird things that can be difficult for the individual to control.

The government will not do anything about the cause of this tragedy as through the FDA the government is complicit to the crime. It will do nothing to the multi-billion dollar drug industry that puts millions of children onto mind altering drugs, ruining their lives, causing many to commit suicide, and in the worst case scenario, perpetrate a crime as has happened in Connecticut.

But the individual gun owner can do something about it.

Third and final step, if you are a gun owner and have anyone in your environment who has been on psychotropic drugs, particularly of the anti-depressant sort, keep them away from your guns.

This includes any children, spouse, visitor, employee, anyone you know that would in their normal activities have access to your guns.

That would be effective. And, unlike an attempted government action, such care would not violate the rights of those acquaintances.

Just about every one of the mass killings is linked to psychotropic drug use, particularly when the individual doesn’t take their “meds.”

This simple but effective measure taken by gun owners would greatly reduce, if not eliminate, mass killings of this sort.

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